Posts by [email protected]
Walk This Way with Wally
Today on The Wally Show on WAY-FM, Wally is kicking off a new project called School Bells & Water Wells! (Find your local station or listen online at Between now and Friday, we are going to make sure that 20 schools in Africa gain access to safe, clean drinking water! This will help ensure kids can stay…
Read MoreWally’s American Guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of African Church
On Tuesday, Wally will kick off a new Blood:Water campaign on The Wally Show on WAY-FM! He just returned to from Rwanda, where he went to check out the project that will be launching. While he was there, he attended a traditional church service in the village they visited. He came back with some helpful…
Read MoreWant to get to know K-Flow? Meet our engagement coordinator, Kristin.
Kristin, also known by her rapper name, K-Flow Rida, is truly one of a kind. Blood:Water’s favorite extroverted fashionista originated from Winston Salem, N.C., but fell in love with Nashville, Tenn., post-graduation from the University of Virginia. Go Cavaliers! It was there that she double majored in sociology and African American studies. She realized the pull…
Read MoreAnd They’re Off! The Wally Team is Headed to Rwanda.
It’s that time of year again. Wally and his team are on their way to Africa! This time, they’re going to visit our partners in Rwanda to check out a new project he’ll be kicking off when they return! Be sure to tune in to The Wally Show on your local WAY-FM station Tuesday, May…
Read MoreFartlek for Africa
Blood:Water is inspired daily by its awesome fundraisers who creatively use their ideas and originality to change lives in Africa. Brad Zinnecker is no exception. As a long-time, long-distance runner from Iowa, Brad knows that running for a cause and supporting something bigger than himself helps him remain focused. That’s why in 2015, when he…
Read MoreLiving with a Servant’s Heart
Back in high school, I was extremely involved in student government. In 2009, I was in my sophomore year and decided to apply for a position with the state executive board as a charity coordinator. When I was appointed, I was so excited and immediately started looking for a charity that we could support—that’s when…
Read MoreHow a Good Cause Brought Personal Growth
We did it! Save a Drink, Save a Lifeâ„¢ has come to a close, and we are on the other side of a hard-fought battle to give up our favorite drinks during Lent so that our friends in Africa can have clean water. Once again, we stand humbled by the many participants and donors who…
Read MoreLive Music. Good Food. Great Partners. #WorldWaterDay
The World Water Day Celebration is a chance to celebrate the work that has been done to serve over 1 million Africans with clean water, and to continue to provide life-giving resources and support to Africa-based initiatives impacting the water crisis. The partnership between Lightning 100 and Blood:Water is one born of respect, admiration, and…
Read MoreWhy We Celebrate World Water Day
Sometimes, even as the water crisis rages on, we must celebrate the great work of people all around the world who have changed the health and well-being of their communities by providing clean water. Some days are set aside to tell the stories of lives that have been saved, communities that have tackled water scarcity,…
Read MoreIt’s Worth It: Part IV
Today we share with you the final section from the reflection Dave Umphress wrote about his time in Mozambique with fellow members of the Colorado Mozambique Team. In it, he shares one of the most impactful moments of the trip, as well as his greatest discovery. Part I, Part II, and Part III are available…
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