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Unexpected Blessings: An Intern Reflection

  “The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger coincide.” — Frederick Buechner    A few summers ago I had the opportunity to intern for an organization in Nairobi, Kenya. After spending several months there, I thought I knew what to expect working within…

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Intern with Blood:Water!

  If you’re looking for an internship, but you’re not interested in making coffee and errand runs, we have the perfect opportunity for you!       Blood:Water has developed an internship program alongside Vision and Call to mentor and equip young leaders in their vocation. Our organization would not exist without compassionate students and young…

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What Will I Leave Behind?

Darkness blanketed Nashville Friday morning as I drove to the airport. I could feel the nervous energy building within me. What should I expect? What if I don’t make friends? What if I’m not good enough?

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Be the Light

     Beginning with the end, this past weekend at the Murdock Vision and Call Retreat concluded with a session centered on the musical Hamilton, where we listened to songs and discussed the lyrics, unpacking phrases such as: Will they know what you overcame? Will they know you rewrote the game? The world will never…

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Meet Our New Vision & Call Interns!

  After saying goodbye to our summer interns, Caroline and Chase, we welcomed two new faces to the Blood:Water office! We can’t wait for you to get to know Casey Rice and Meredith Seymour over the next few months! For now, we asked them a few questions about what makes them special to help us introduce them…

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Empowering Independence: An Intern Reflection

  I am beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to be a Vision & Call intern at Blood:Water. This past summer has been one of courage and independence. Growing up in a small town that I have called home for so long, and then transitioning to living in a place totally foreign to me,…

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We Know What You Should Do Next Summer

Hey, students and young professionals: You should make a difference by interning at Blood:Water! While working in our Nashville office, you will get to know what it really takes to dedicate your day-to-day to a worthy cause. Plus, this is no ordinary (paid!) intern program; Vision & Call gives interns the opportunity to consider their vocational direction…

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