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Meet Our Summer 2017 Interns!

  After saying goodbye to our 9-month interns, Amanda and Faith, we welcomed two new faces to the Blood:Water office for the summer. We can’t wait for you to get to know our development intern, Chase Maqueda, and marketing intern, Caroline Clark, over the next three months! For now, we asked them a few questions about…

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What It Means to Be Fully Human

“To be present with our brothers and sisters in Africa, to understand their suffering, we need to risk being fully human with one another. What I could do was tell their stories.” — Jena Lee Nardella, “One Thousand Wells”   For the past nine months as an intern, Jena’s words are what I have seen…

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Intern at Blood:Water and, In Turn, Make a Difference

Are you a student or young professional looking for a way to strengthen your vocational calling and make a difference? We are now accepting applications for both the fall 2017-spring 2018 and summer 2018 internship terms. Blood:Water is preparing for round two of the Vision & Call internship program, which mentors and equips young leaders in…

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A Collective Vocational Space

“What is it that keeps you awake at night? What is it that gets you up in the morning?” The weekend began with these two deceptively simple questions, and the answers were anything but simple. Thinking through the things that consume our minds to the point where we want to stay awake or get out…

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