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Our Partners

Photo… Video Friday: Seeds of Hope

This week’s Photo Friday will be Video Friday. We want you to get to know who we work with in Africa a little better. So today, we’re diving a little deeper with Seeds of Hope in Zambia.


An Awe-Inspired Firsthand Look: An Update from Zambia

Blood:Water’s story began with a trip to Africa. This trip ignited a passion that bore a vision to see the end of the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa. We would like all of our supporters to be…


Photo Friday: Community Health Promoters

Photo Friday comes from Zambia. This photo shows a group of Community Health Promoters (CHPs) in Ndola. CHPs are important because after learning what proper sanitation looks like, they then train their own communities on how to improve…


New Faces Around the Office

Blood:Water has a few new faces around the office! Audrey, Kristin, and Blake have all recently joined us, and we’re thrilled to have them on the team! To help you get to know them a little better, we…


Photo Friday: Save a Drink Update

Did you Save a Drink with us this Lent? Here’s an update for you! Construction for clean water access has begun in Gitantu, Rwanda! Your dollars are being put to use in the hands of our partner MOUCECORE!…


Building a Global Community

The Partner Summit wrapped up today with a focus on system strengthening and communications. Peter Irungu, programs and operations director from INUKA Trust, joined the group to discuss resource diversification. He encouraged our partners to push beyond standard…


A Day Rich in Discussion and Learning

Because of the time difference, day two of the Partner Summit has already wrapped up! The day was rich in discussion. The focus of the day was peer learning and exchange, and each of our partners presented unique…


A Blood:Water Dream Come True

Today kicks off Blood:Water’s first-ever Partner Summit. All of our partners from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia are currently gathered together with our Africa Partnerships team for a week of collaborative learning. We know that Africa holds…


We Need You for Lasting Change

Last week, we told you about a big need in Zambia—a drill rig to help serve 180,000 people. There are other large scale needs, in addition to the drill rig. Here are some opportunities for you to get invested…


A Look Back at 2014

What a year. If you’re like me, you’re still wondering where fall went. Wasn’t it just August? Regardless, we’d like to take a minute to look back at some of the highlights of the year. Save a Drink,…


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