What a year. If you’re like me, you’re still wondering where fall went. Wasn’t it just August? Regardless, we’d like to take a minute to look back at some of the highlights of the year.
Save a Drink, Save a Life
- Last spring we set out to provide 1,000 people in Zambia with clean water.
- This summer I got to meet Loveness, one of the first recipients of the Biosand filters from Save a Drink.
Kenya Help?
- Our friend Wally from Way-FM once again spent time in Africa learning more about Blood:Water. This year he was in Kenya. He and his team raised funds for raintanks asking his listeners, “Kenya Help?”
- This women’s group in Marsabit, Kenya were one of the recipients of a hydroform brick press from this campaign. These ladies are working hard to make bricks and turn them into raintanks for their families. When I met them, they were so proud to show off their work and to teach me how they made the bricks.
- To prove this is hard work (I can’t believe I’m willingly putting this picture out there):
Game of Thrones
- 21 Latrines in one day. Yep, we’re a little crazy like that. This summer we were ready to be bold and help provide something we all take for granted, toilets.
- Those 21 latrines have been built, and next week, I’m leaving to go visit those latrines and update you on the work!
1 Million
- It’s hard to imagine a million. And we aren’t talking dollars. We are talking about people. We are talking about moms, daughters, brothers, fathers, and grandmothers. People with stories to share, with hopes and dreams, challenges and obstacles.
- This September we celebrated reaching 1 million people with clean water. It’s a goal we’ve been working towards for 10 years.
- It’s one to celebrate and keep celebrating.
The Next Million
- We could stop, but you know us, we like a challenge. We’re moving on to The Next Million. If you haven’t met some of them, we invite you to here.
Thank you for making 2014 the best year yet.

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