Our Partners
Ready for the Next Dance
Our second annual Partner Summit wrapped up today in Nairobi. Throughout the week, we focused on ways to be adaptable in response to the ever-changing environments of dynamic organizations. Our theme was an African proverb: When the music…
When the Music Changes
Yesterday marked the kickoff of our second annual Partner Summit! Representatives from our partners working in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia, and our two newest partners from Malawi and Mozambique have gathered in Nairobi for a week…
The Difference You’ve Made for Dominah
It’s hard to imagine life without water. It’s intertwined with our existence every single day. Dominah and her children’s lives were changed forever when they received access to clean water for the first time, but no one deserves…
Responding to a Beloved Friend’s Dream
Excerpt from “One Thousand Wells”: “As Milton, Joel, and I stood upon the expanse of the barren land, we could see it. We could see the clinic that would bring hope to a community wrought with loss. A…
The Faces That Will Stay with Wally (and Us) Forever
When Wally and his team traveled to Rwanda prior to the School Bells & Water Wells event, Wally sharedthat he was worried about the words he would use to properly convey the need. But he also said he’s…
One Less Thing for a Mom to Worry About This Mother’s Day
Our School Bells & Water Wells event on The Wally Show on WAY-FM is wrapping up today! We’ve spent the week working to provide clean water and sanitation to 20 schools around Africa. The generosity of Wally’s listeners…
Walk This Way with Wally
Today on The Wally Show on WAY-FM, Wally is kicking off a new project called School Bells & Water Wells! (Find your local station or listen online at allwally.com.) Between now and Friday, we are going to make sure that 20…
And They’re Off! The Wally Team is Headed to Rwanda.
It’s that time of year again. Wally and his team are on their way to Africa! This time, they’re going to visit our partners in Rwanda to check out a new project he’ll be kicking off when they…
It’s Worth It: Part IV
Today we share with you the final section from the reflection Dave Umphress wrote about his time in Mozambique with fellow members of the Colorado Mozambique Team. In it, he shares one of the most impactful moments of…
Representing the Solution: Part III
Over the last two weeks, we have shared with you Part I and Part IIÂ of a powerful blog from Dave Umphress. Dave is a member of the Colorado Mozambique Team who recently went to Mozambique to visit the…