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Blood:Water Adds Three to U.S. and Kenya Office Teams

Blood:Water, an international nonprofit partnering with African-led organizations to end health disparities, has added three new members to its team. 

Ann Kungu has been added as the Africa Partnerships portfolio manager and Agevi Michael is now an Organizational Strengthening (OS) coordinator in the Nairobi, Kenya office. Lizette Sandoval has been added to the U.S.-based team as a digital engagement coordinator.

Women and babies accessing preventive health care

Introducing Our New, Inspiring Partner in Malawi, FOCCAD!


Blood:Water on Today in Nashville for World Water Day


Introducing Our New Partner in Kenya, Rafiki wa Maendeleo Trust!

Because we want to make sure that our work in the HIV/AIDS and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) spheres is making a true and lasting difference, we work with grassroots, locally-led organizations based in eastern and southern Africa…


Meet Our Summer 2022 Vision & Call Interns!

We recently said a bittersweet ‘goodbye’ to our 2021 fall – 2022 spring interns, Jacob and Ryan, and ‘hello’ to two fresh new faces! We are excited to tell you that Lauren and Raegan will be joining us for the summer, and we can’t wait for you to get to know them. Read on to learn more about the newest members of our team!


COVID-19 in Africa Pt. II: How Partners Supported and Protected Community Needs

How did hero organizations like our partners immediately respond to the situation in their communities, to make sure everyone got the healthcare they needed? Here’s part 2 of our series on COVID in Africa.

Leader Collective Logo

What Makes Blood:Water Unique: Why We Created the Leader Collective

Partnering with local organizations in Africa is key to our mission and generational impact. Our partners work where needed most, and in 2021, we launched the Leader Collective to serve them and drive change during COVID-19.


World Water Day 2022

The water crisis impacts about 4 out of every 10 people across the globe: 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water sources, and 4.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation services. As we approach World Water Day on March 22nd our goal is to raise $75,000 to help our partners continue to address these barriers to education. Thanks to a special matching grant, your gift this month can be MATCHED – dollar for dollar up to $25,000! – enabling our partners to reach TWICE as many people. That’s double the impact.


40 Days of Water Challenge

Lent begins on March 2 this year, and we have some exciting materials we’re offering in honor of this season! We are very excited to announce of 40 Days of Water Challenge! Join the challenge and you will receive our Lenten Devotional. We are so grateful for all the ways you have continued to support this work and we hope that this devotional enriches and encourages you as you focus on your faith.


How Africa United to Protect Its People Against COVID-19

  “Public health in Africa has been a story of neglect and dependency,” says Dr. John Nkengasong, the first director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control, in an interview with the New York Times about how they’ve…


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