We know there are many ways to give, and a monetary contribution is just one form of generosity. Here are a few additional giving options to consider:
Amazon Smile
You shop. Amazon gives. Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at smile.amazon.com/ch/56-2483082 and Amazon donates a portion of every purchase to Blood:Water.
Employer Match
Many employers support the charitable giving of their employees by matching the gifts they make to nonprofits.
Stock Gifts
You can increase your impact in Africa (and your tax deduction) by donating securities such as stock and bonds to Blood:Water.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
We are approved CFC organization! If you are a Federal employee looking to make a philanthropic pledge to Blood:Water, contact your local CFC office with the campaign code #68394.
Be the Movement
Your creativity, talents, and hobbies are head-turners. What if you can use your unique skills to make a difference in the lives of people in Africa? Become a Blood:Water fundraiser by joining the movement at bloodwater.org/makemymove.
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