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We Need You for Lasting Change

Last week, we told you about a big need in Zambia—a drill rig to help serve 180,000 people. There are other large scale needs, in addition to the drill rig. Here are some opportunities for you to get invested in lasting change. All of these opportunities are currently unfunded. Pediatric HIV Care in Kenya Equip two…

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1,200 Miles for Africa

As we work to shorten the walk for The Next Million people in Africa, it’s only fitting that one of our supporters would run the distance for them. Meet Bradford Zinnecker. He’s running 1,200 miles in 2015 to help bring clean water to people across Africa. He’s aiming to raise $2.50 per mile for a…

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A Much-Needed Prayer for Today

With increased violence in the Middle East and a commercial plane shot down in Ukraine, I seek prayers and words to make sense of it all. (Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev) To add insult to injury, the world lost nearly a hundred men and women on that plane whose life work has been to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As they departed…

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Moms are Always on Our Minds

Believe it or not, Mother’s Day is just about a month away. And, you may not be thinking about what to get your mom just yet, but we at Blood:Water always have moms on our minds. As we work with our partners in Africa to bring an end to the HIV/AIDS crisis, we have to…

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This Mother’s Day, Help Keep a Baby Free of HIV

When you think of the risks of HIV/AIDS infection in Africa, do you worry about babies? I do. When an HIV-positive mother is pregnant, her baby is at risk to HIV exposure in three different phases: during pregnancy, during labor, and during breast feeding. However, when HIV-positive women are provided with antiretroviral therapy before, during,…

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More than just a drop in the bucket

Some days, I’m overwhelmed. Africa just seems so far away. The faces of those I’ve met are clouded by the to-do lists and the often-urgent demands of the day. It’s hard to know where to begin. It’s hard to know if I can really make a difference when I can barely get through my inbox.…

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