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A Much-Needed Prayer for Today

With increased violence in the Middle East and a commercial plane shot down in Ukraine, I seek prayers and words to make sense of it all.

(Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev)

To add insult to injury, the world lost nearly a hundred men and women on that plane whose life work has been to fight the HIV/AIDS pandemic. As they departed Amsterdam to attend a conference in Melbourne focused on the relentless war against HIV/AIDS, their vessel collided with another kind of war, and we lost so many heroes.

It all feels so senseless. It brings us to our knees in prayer and desperation for a God who is bigger than the tragedies of mankind.

These words from Ann Voskamp spoke deeply to me last night; may they comfort you today.

Lord, there are bombs tonight, wars tonight,

planes that have fallen from the sky,

tears that have fallen from the shattered hearts of mothers,

and we fall to our knees before the Wounded Healer

who cups His hands to catch every falling tear & sparrow & heart

in His palms that have our names engraved right into Him

far deeper than any of earth’s sorrow.

We pray tonight in the name of Him of who catches everything falling

so we don’t fall apart…so we are held.


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