You may have received one of our classic Blood:Water stickers at some point, whether you bought one through our store, received one the first time you donated, or joined in one of our events over the years. We’ve been purchasing our stickers from Sticker Mule for a while now, so odds are that the stickers you have seen came from them!
Here are a few examples of how our team has used our stickers over the years!
Lindsey, our Finance Manager, has had her Blood:Water sticker on her water bottle.
Nadia, our Director of Africa Programs, had her old Blood:Water sticker on her laptop, but now that she’s moved onto a new one, that is gone! All those meetings we’ve had with her on that very laptop, and we never thought to ask her for a picture.
I (Caitlyn, our Development Coordinator) have had one of our most recent stickers since I started at Blood:Water in August 2019, but I’ve never been able to decide where to put it. So it’s been in the pocket of my Bible case with the rest of my sticker collection!
Where’s YOUR #BWsticker?
We’d love to know how you’ve used your Blood:Water sticker! Take a picture and tag us on social media! #BWSticker
Facebook: /bloodwatermission
Instagram: @bloodwatermission
Twitter: @bloodwater
To jog your memory (and as a fun throwback) here are some more examples of ways you may have received Blood:Water stickers – through kits we’ve sent out in the past:
Our Lemon:Aid kits are a great way to raise money for charity, contribute to the fight against the water crisis, AND give your children the ability to work in service of others. We’ve had our Lemon:Aid program for kids since 2014, and you can see some older blogs about how people have gotten involved in the past and how they work! Included in that kit is a sheet of stickers to help use your Lemon:Aid stand to raise money for families and communities in sub-Saharan Africa.
In 2016, we offered a kit for those who wanted to purchase it as part of our Lenten season’s Save a Drink, Save a Life campaign (now known as 40 Days of Water)! In it was a version of our current B:W sticker.
And if all of this talk has inspired you to create your own sticker, head over to Sticker Mule’s website where you can get free shipping on your order! We appreciate your support, and we hope to hear from you soon!

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