Now that you’ve met Aaron Sands, our bass-playing director of internal operations, Jake Smith, our country-crooning director of engagement, and Katherine Hofstetter, our tenderhearted director of donor engagement and special events, we want to introduce you to Katy Lee, our executive assistant.
Katy originates from a small town in Minnesota called Hibbing. Surprisingly, she is not the most well known celebrity to hail from Hibbing; she shares her fame with Bob Dylan. You won’t hear him claim the small town though. He was booed off stage during a local talent competition and has never returned.
Katy does return to Minnesota from time to time, but has become a permanent transplant in the South. You would think it was because of the weather, but she says her passion for music is really what helped plant her roots.
After graduating from Belmont University and spending a few years working in the music industry, a trip to Haiti changed Katy’s heart. She felt called to dedicate her career to helping others, and Blood:Water has been blessed with her passion for the last year!
She didn’t give up on music completely though. She married her drum-playing, pharmacist husband, Mitch, six months ago. They already have a baby and one on the way! Well, it’s a fur-baby, a kitten named Belle, and they plan to adopt a French bulldog very soon. Their recently purchased home is already a full house!
Although now that Katy and her husband have a place to call home, they can’t wait to get away. Not permanently…just to finish traveling to all 50 states. They only have 10 more states to go! Katy’s wanderlust won’t stop there though. She and Mitch plan to take on the world one flight full of turbulence and screaming babies at a time!
Katy may be praying for silence during all her flights around the world, but she is a firm believer in LOUD support for all her favorite sports teams. She doesn’t hold back when it comes to rooting for football and even joins in on the competition by whooping the boys in her fantasy leagues.

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