The first day of summer is June 20, and already temperatures are rising, kids are either out of school or counting down the days to summer vacation, and parents are making plans to keep their kids learning and occupied until they go back school in the fall.
You may have heard us talk about Lemon:Aid, but if you haven’t, it is one way kids can make a STAND (literally!) for clean water in Africa this summer. By hosting a lemonade stand in their community, your kids or grandchildren can quench the thirst of your neighbors and of kids just like them halfway around the world! Not only does Lemon:Aid provide a cure for summertime boredom, it also provides a way for children to make a difference in the world.
All you have to do is download or order a Lemon:Aid kit (you only pay the cost of shipping), and create a fundraising page to share with your family, friends, and community to encourage donations and attendance.
By the way, our Lemon:Aid fundraising page recently had a facelift. It not only features new photos, but it’s also more user friendly, customizable, and updates you as you reach important milestones!
Your kids can make an impact this summer. Help them get started on making a stand for clean water today!

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