If you’re looking for an internship, but you’re not interested in making coffee and errand runs, we have the perfect opportunity for you!
Blood:Water has developed an internship program alongside Vision and Call to mentor and equip young leaders in their vocation. Our organization would not exist without compassionate students and young professionals who understand our vision and give their time, energy, and talent to fulfill the various needs of the organization.
Interns at Blood:Water are tasked with important responsibilities, so they have the opportunity to develop skills within their areas of interest and learn new skills, too. They work alongside our staff members and leadership team, allowing them the opportunity to participate in conversations and planning for the organization.
Most importantly, Blood:Water interns become a part of changing the story for our friends in Africa by contributing to the vital work of fighting the HIV/AIDS and water crises in their communities. This is where career and calling collide!
Casey & Kenna
Current Blood:Water Interns
“I’ve gained confidence in myself through the responsibilities that staff members have entrusted me with, and I’ve gained a new perspective of nonprofit organizations and international development that I will build upon for the rest of my life.”
“I’ve worked with other nonprofit organizations before, but it has been eye-opening to be a part of a U.S.-based organization that cares so much for its team and does such great work in Africa.”
We think you should apply! The deadline to apply for fall 2018-spring 2019 is June 1, 2018, and the deadline for summer 2019 is August 1, 2018.

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