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A Look Back at 2014

What a year. If you’re like me, you’re still wondering where fall went. Wasn’t it just August? Regardless, we’d like to take a minute to look back at some of the highlights of the year. Save a Drink,…


A Crucial Step to Ending the HIV/AIDS Crisis

Last week we gathered with 500 other friends of Blood:Water to celebrate and support New Life Medical Center in Kitgum, Uganda. Today, we’d like to share with you the stories of New Life.


What Your Christmas Gifts Are Doing

The red Starbucks cups are officially out, so it must mean it’s time for Christmas, right? Well, we are so excited to share with you an update from your generous giving last year. You may remember we worked…


Work You Helped Fund Has Begun!

During this year’s season of Lent, Blood:Water supporters gave up their favorite drinks to help bring clean water to 1,000 families in Africa. The work they helped fund through Save a Drink, Save a Life has officially begun…


Photo Friday: Tumaini Medical Center

  Last month at the Tumaini Medical Center in Marsabit, Kenya, three babies in our Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) program were tested for HIV, and all three tests came back negative! With proper counseling, medication, and monitoring,…


Class Acts of Kindness Sends Kids Like Arbe Back to School

  By now your little ones are back in the full swing of school. Let’s keep making that a reality for kids in Africa this year, too!


When Sustainability Doesn’t Measure Up

Maybe sustainability isn’t the ultimate goal. I know you’re wondering what aliens have taken over my body, but just as a thought experiment, consider for a moment: who actually is sustainable, really? And usually what we conjure up…


How Violence Plagues the Poor

“The locusts of everyday violence have been allowed to swarm unabated in the developing world. And they are laying waste to the hope of the poor.”-Gary A. Haugen and Victor Boutros in their new book, The Locust Effect…


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