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A Matter of Strength and Health (Part II)


To read Part I of this blog, click here.



A civil society organization will struggle to reach its full potential without the investment of others who can provide mentoring, advisement, technical training, and support for all the various facets of a healthy organization. If the organization is willing to be vulnerable and transparent about its challenges and shortcomings, then there is opportunity to build capacity in order to facilitate long-term change.

When the strength of an organization results in more people living longer, healthier lives and fewer infants dying from diseases contracted from unsafe water, we become very passionate about wanting the organization addressing the crisis to function as efficiently and effectively as possible. After all, the healthier the organization, the greater the impact will be in the communities it serves. That’s why Blood:Water is dedicated to working alongside our partners in Africa. We have been blessed with the opportunity to intentionally affirm the dignity of capable people and empower their visions for change.

When faced with the option to drill one well ourselves or strengthen a local organization to have the capacity to drill thousands of wells in its lifetime, Blood:Water will choose the latter every time. It matters.

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