Find out what happened when Wally joined a drill rig team and built a few biosand filters. He did both prior to the Drill It & Fill It campaign.
Check out what Wally had to say about working at a drill site:
Today was an amazing day as I got the opportunity to work with my hands instead of my mouth for a change. We visited a Blood:Water drill site and I got to help do some drilling. I hate to brag but the foreman said I was quite an adequate driller. I bet if he had let me use my mouth I could have dug it faster.
It is messy, hard work but very rewarding and these Zambian roughnecks understand that they are not just drilling a well, they are providing life and doing it in the name of Jesus. I tip my construction hat to these guys.
Read the full post about Wally’s thrilling drilling experience here.
Here’s what Wally had to say about building 20 biosand filters:
The work is back breaking for people like Johnny Safari (yes, that is his real name) who does this every day with a smile on his face and a song on his lips. His singing actually helped make the work go faster. It is like you are working with the soundtrack to the Lion King all around you.
My wife, Mardi, and Bekah teased me for being so meticulous as I smoothed out the bottom of the filters, especially the ones they had done. I felt they needed to be perfect. I know it will never be seen, but I also know the pride the families take in having these filters in their homes. I wanted to take that same pride in the building of the filter, and give them the best filters from the bottom up.
Read the full post about the Wally team’s day of Biosand filter building here.
As Wally puts it, the whole trip was about knowing the other side of the story and getting the privilege of being the answer to years of prayer–which is exactly what was accomplished during Drill It & Fill It.

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