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Tying Red Ties to Fight the HIV/AIDS Crisis Tonight


You may not remember it but earlier this year, we walked the streets of Nashville asking if anyone knew how to tie a tieā€¦ a RED tie to be exact.

All that awkwardness has brought us to tonight where we will take time to honor Dr. Mark Dybul and Dr. Sten Vermund, two men that have done tremendous work toward ending the HIV/AIDS crisis. We will also be hearing about the work at New Life Medical Center in Kitgum, Uganda.

Last yearā€™s Red Tie Gala helped impact people like Balainesh.

Balainesh is just 26 years old. She found out she was both pregnant and HIV-positive after being abused by her employer. Upon the news of her pregnancy, Balaineshā€™s employer fired her and kicked her out onto the streets. Thatā€™s when a friend brought Balainesh to the ACT Project. She immediately began receiving care and counseling and was placed on ARVs to help curb the effects of HIV. Through attentive medical care by the ACT Project, Balaineshā€™s son is HIV-negative. After the birth of her son, the ACT Project found Balainesh a roommate and continues to care for the two women to ensure they have enough food, social help, and spiritual support.

For people like Balainesh, and 3,553 other lives in Suki, Ethiopia, your gifts are life giving.

If you happen to be walking the streets of Nashville tonight, we hope that rather than asking if someone can tie a red tie, theyā€™ll all be wearing one. Even if youā€™re not joining us tonight, wear something red, and stand with us as we stand with those affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis.

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