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When Purpose and Passion Unlock

“But you can never recover what you never tried at all.” -Ben Arment Last Tuesday night in Charlotte, N.C., I had the privilege of sharing the Blood:Water story with over 200 young professionals at a worship gathering called CharlotteONE. Not only did I get to visit with some amazing folks and share Blood:Water’s mission, but…

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In Defense of NOT Giving up Chocolate

We are just about a week into Lent. Our co-founder, Dan Haseltine, gives his take on Lent, and it starts with a candy bar. There were not many 4-letter words available to a 9-year-old boy growing up in a mixed household of Catholics and Episcopalians that could be used to express pain, disappointment, or frustration.…

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Update from The Real Game of Thrones

During an epic one-day event in July, you valiantly joined us in The Real Game of Thrones to battle for proper sanitation in Cyanika, Rwanda, and fund 21 Johns Before Dawn… Johns as in latrines… you know, kind of like toilets. We thought you’d like to know, those 21 latrines have been built! Vianney, Chaniel,…

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Blizzards are hitting the northeast; Chicago is currently covered in snow; and the current temperature at the Blood:Water office is 29 degrees. Needless to say, we’re in the dead of winter. That probably means by now your hands are cracking and your skin isn’t its usual silky smooth. We have the perfect solution for you:…

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Save a Drink, Save a Life (or Two)

In just a couple of weeks, we’ll kick off Save a Drink, Save a Life. For 40 days, we’ll ask you to give up your drink of choice and drink water instead. Erin tells us why participating won’t just benefit people in Africa. It will be pretty easy for you, though, won’t it? Isn’t it quicker…

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Photo Friday: The Real Game of Thrones Update

Do you remember when we launched the one day, online campaign called “The Real Game of Thrones?” We were working to raise enough funds in one day to build 21 latrines in Rwanda. And build them we have! And this sweet, little one lives in one of the communities where latrines were built. Not only that,…

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Meet Walter the Water Drop

Allow me to introduce myself. I am the newest Blood:Water team member. My name is Walter, Walter the Water Drop. Can I tell you a secret? I am trying to start a petition to change the name of the non-profit to Blood:WaLter, but it’s not going over so well. Anyway, I am joining Blood:WaLter… ok,…

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Photo Friday: Quality Testing

As communities gain access to safe water, it’s important to also train them on hygiene and sanitation, and to follow up with testing to be certain the water source remains clean over time. This photo is taken at their main campus of our partner in Zambia, SHIP. Thanks to our field staff Nadia for the…

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The Dignity of Dorkas

It’s been a number of years now, but this story continues to remind us why our work goes beyond just helping Africans, and what our underlying desire is to see through these partnerships. Our band and Co-Founder Jena Nardella were doing community visits in the Kono region outside of Kisumu, Kenya. Each day, we would…

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