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Join Us in Wishing Alfred a Very Jerry Christmas

This is Alfred. He lives in Rwanda with his grandmother and cousins. Each day, he walks for water two times. He fills a heavy jerry can in a river, and carries it home so his family will have something to drink. He is happy to make the walk because it helps his family. But it…

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Wish Janet and Her Family a Very Jerry Christmas

Meet Janet. She has three children. Just like any other mother, she uses water in nearly all of her household tasks. But the water Janet uses is dirty. Still, three times each day, Janet or one of her children has to journey down a steep hillside to reach the water. The walk home with a full…

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Photo Friday: Partner Instagram Competition

“Technology is best when it brings people together.” -Matt Mullenweg, Social Entrepreneur. More than ever before, we are able to bring in the moment pictures from Africa to you. You’re probably thinking, well, businesses have been able to do that for over a decade now thanks to Skype, Facebook, Instagram, you name it. But for our…

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Throwback Thursday

We are throwing it back today — not once, but twice. The picture on the left shows how a community in Twapia, Zambia, used to retrieve their drinking water. The picture on the right shows why they no longer have to do that. And thanks to our partners in Zambia, their well is maintained, and…

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Photo Friday: Dancing

“I spent today in a community that dug a 1.5 mile pipeline by hand with hoes and shovels to pipe water into their community. The original water source required hiking 1,000 feet down into a valley and then carrying a 40-pound jerry can of water back up. Definitely something worth dancing about.” – Barak Bruerd, Program…

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An Unexpected Internship

Blood:Water is currently seeking interns for the spring semester. Click here to apply. The deadline to apply is December 1. And check out this post from our current intern, Caroline, on what it’s been like interning for her. Interning for Blood:Water was the last thing I expected to do with my first season in Nashville.…

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Where Systems and Data Meet Blood:Water

It is truly amazing how much life can change in a year. For me, the past 12 months have been a whirlwind: I graduated from college, moved across the country, welcomed a son into my family, joined the Blood:Water team, and in recent weeks, traveled across the world in pursuit of an unexpected calling. As…

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Miles for Wells

We are constantly in awe of our incredible fundraisers who give their time and creativity to help bring clean water and HIV/AIDS care to communities in Africa. Because our work is done through local partners in Africa, opportunities to volunteer in office for Blood:Water are few, so we consider our fundraisers to be our most…

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Sand Dams Create Extra Water Points in Marsabit

Because of the incredible generosity of our donors, some really exciting projects are happening in Africa! For example, two sand dams were recently completed in Marsabit County, Kenya. A sand dam works by burying a concrete wall to create an underground reservoir to collect runoff water. When runoff water from seasonal rain passes through the…

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A Shorter Walk for Alem

Meet Alem. Alem lives in Suki, Ethiopia, with her young son. To reach clean water, Alem used to have to make a long walk over uneven, rocky roads, and then carry her heavy container filled with water home on her back. Last Christmas, we asked you to join us to shorten the walk for our…

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