I’ve worked at Blood:Water a little over two years now. Most of my days are not much different than someone working at any other office. There are emails to send, meetings to attend, and events to plan. There is a sense of urgency to complete all these tasks. But, at times, the sense of urgency to complete the most important task in which I’m working for here at Blood:Water can get lost in the day to day grind.
I’ve just returned from a week in Africa with our partner Seeds of Hope International in Zambia. As I toured the communities in which they are working, I saw first hand the difference in their urgency every day as opposed to ours. The urgency they feel isn’t one to get an email returned on time or cramming in another meeting. Their urgency is born out of knowing that every minute, hour and day that goes by without access to clean water is one in which the opportunity for sickness or death is very real.
Do I feel their urgency every day? Do you? I encourage you to think about those times in your life in which you’ve desperately needed someone’s help in order to meet an important need. If you can remember what that urgency felt like, it’s the same as the people in Zambia and across Africa are feeling right now.
How can you help their urgency today?

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