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Meet Our New Vision & Call Interns!


We are thrilled to introduce you to the two new interns joining us for the inaugural year of our Vision & Call internship program. For the next nine months, Amanda Wojcinski and Faith Donels will be assisting both the engagement and marketing departments, and having a lot of fun along the way. Who run the world? GIRLS!


Meet Amanda, our new engagement intern from Buffalo, New York. She is working on her graduate degree in International Education at Vanderbilt University, and smiling is her favorite!

Why did you apply to be an intern at Blood:Water?

I believe in the concept of vocation or, following the lines of Frederick Buechner’s quote, “the place where God calls you is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Starting in high school and continuing into undergraduate and graduate studies, I have been enchanted by Africa and have craved to continually know more about its cultures and development. However, it wasn’t until I had the opportunity to travel to Tanzania that I fully realized the preconceptions I had about it. We are often misled in America to believe that Africa is a place that needs us to save it, but one chance at truly encountering the African people and the African spirit allows you to quickly realize the beauty, depth, and tremendous capability that already exists in the countries that compose the African continent. Africa is not a place that needs us to save it; the African people themselves are the ones who have the capability to truly transform their nations. They only need us to support and love them. Blood:Water’s intentionality in supporting Africa’s hidden heroes, working with African communities, and responding in a holistic and sustainable way, is what has drawn me to intern here this year. Its mission greatly aligns with my own “deep gladness.”

What is your dream job?

I would love to continue working at a faith-based nonprofit focused on the holistic and sustainable development in Africa.

What is your favorite book?

“No Greater Love” by Mother Teresa is my favorite book. It is a compilation of Mother Teresa’s words and letters. I am not going to lie, I have a slight obsession with Mother Teresa. She has a radically simple theology that has completely transformed the world–to love others so boldly and transformatively that they have no choice but to recognize Christ’s love in you. If I could love that way, I think it would make all the difference.

What is your favorite pastime?

I love hiking and just taking the time to be outdoors.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Any type of bread. Period. But for a full meal, I would probably choose Eggplant Parmesan with my nana’s spaghetti sauce and apple pie for dessert. You could ask me a different day and it would probably be something different!

Tell us one of your special quirks!

I probably smile more than anyone else you know. I don’t know why; I just have always smiled, and by always, I mean always. If I am happy, crying, confused, feeling awkward, I am still smiling. However, once you get to know me, you can start to decipher which smile goes with what emotion, but they are all still smiles.


Meet Faith, our new marketing intern from Highlands Ranch, Colo., who is studying graphic design at Lipscomb University. She would love to grab coffee with you sometime, but only if it is good coffee. #hairflip

Why did you apply to be an intern at Blood:Water?

I heard about Blood:Water from a professor, and when I read more about it online, I couldn’t believe how much it lined up with my passions! Doing service in a way that promotes the dignity of the people affected is so important to me, so the fact that Blood:Water partners with local leaders and organizations in Africa stood out to me right away. I am a graphic design major, but missions has held a big spot in my heart and mind since I was a freshman in high school. When I saw that Blood:Water had a marketing internship position, I couldn’t think of a better way to fuse my passions for graphic design and missions.

What is your dream job?

I want to work as a graphic designer and marketing team member for a Christian nonprofit organization.

What is your favorite book?

My favorite book is “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis.

What is your favorite pastime?

I love art galleries and coffee shop hopping!

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

I would eat a Ramsey pimento cheeseburger and truffle fries with homemade ketchup and garlic aioli from Burger Up, my favorite burger joint in Nashville! YUM.

Tell us one of your special quirks!

I’m a bit of a coffee snob…I love researching/knowing everything that goes into making the perfect cup, all the way from growing the beans to brewing them!

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