Mark your calendars, Nashville! The fall interns have a lineup of holiday fundraisers you won’t want to miss!
The holiday season can get kind of crazy. We all know that. From shopping to baking to traveling to parties, a lot of us are left wondering how we’re going to get everything done in time.
Don’t worry, y’all. Blood:Water’s fall interns have come up with four events that will help you accomplish everything, all while supporting a great cause. If you’re in the Nashville area, we’ve mapped out a guide to help you survive the holidays, Blood:Water style.
Step 1. Coffee. Caffeine is a must for the holidays, and there is no better place to go grab a cup of joe than The Well in BrentwoodSaturday, Nov. 8.
They’re holding their annual Presents with a Purpose event, where vendors will have booths featuring Christmas-ready gifts, the proceeds of which all support great causes. And yes, you guessed it—we’ll be there! Stop by 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. to get some Blood:Water swag for everyone on your list.
P.S. Can’t make it on Saturday? Swing by a Preview Sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.Friday, Nov. 7 instead!
Step 2. Food. If you’re already sick of cooking for the holidays, come get some grub from your favorite Food Truck!
Our friends at Project 615 are hosting a Food Truck Meet Up11 a.m. – 4 p.m.Sunday, Nov. 9 at Centennial Park. This is another opportunity to check out our Blood:Water merch and to support our friends at other local nonprofits.
Step 3. Wrap. Haven’t quite mastered the art of present-wrapping? No worries! Come to the Porter Flea Holiday Market (a Nashville holiday must) 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.Friday, Dec. 5.
We’re teaming up with Craft Course to provide a gift-wrapping station, making sure your presents look spectacular under the tree. The wrapping is free, but all donations go directly to Blood:Water, meaning even your wrapping paper can help provide clean water this holiday season!
There you have it, folks. A complete, simple guide to surviving the holidays, all while making a difference. We hope to see you at these events in the coming month!

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