Today has been declared “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day,” but we’re here to offer some encouragement to help you reach your 2018 goals! In fact, we can’t think of anything better to encourage you than giving your resolutions a bigger purpose. How does providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for people living in Africa sound?
Great? We thought so! It turns out that some of the best ways to stick with New Year’s resolutions are to decide why you want to accomplish the goal you’ve set and to share your experiences with others.
For $1,000, you can help provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for 25 people in Africa. What if your resolution was to raise $1,000 to support Blood:Water’s partners in Africa? How you accomplish this is up to you, so you can be creative! We even know the perfect way for you to share your experiences with others: create a Be the Movement fundraising page.
If you need inspiration, check out Heidi’s #17in17 fundraiser. By the end of 2017, she ran 17 races and exceeded her goal of raising $1,717! She wrote about the ups and downs of her journey in our last blog, and we hope her story will inspire you to stick with your 2018 goals.
In 2004, Jena Lee Nardella, co-founder of Blood:Water, set a goal to build 1,000 wells in Africa. Blood:Water has now helped build over 6,800 water points in Africa. Reflecting on her journey with Blood:Water, Jena wrote, “The thing about lost causes is that they’re only lost if you leave them behind.” We think this applies to your resolutions, too.
Don’t ditch those New Year’s resolutions yet! We’ll cheer you on every step of the way.

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