Mazy loves to play, but this young girl really loves to dance. Instead of playing and dancing like most kids her age in the United States, Mazy usually spends her afternoon walking to collect water for her family. She joins a group of other children, and, together, they walk to a stream quite a ways from their homes. They walk so their families don’t thirst. Since the water is from a stream, it’s contaminated with bacteria that can make each of them sick. Even still, Mazy, along with all the kids, smile and laugh and delight in having something to drink.
Kids like Mazy are The Next Million. Come meet them. Come meet The Next Million on one of our Vision Trips. You will forever be connected to the beauty of the people of Africa.
If you’re interested, this summer is your chance for the trip of a lifetime. We would like to invite you to join us for a week in Africa as we visit with our partners and learn from the communities in which we work. We listen; we share; and we deepen relationships with the heroes of those fighting against the HIV/AIDS and water crises. In addition to a week spent walking alongside our local partners, there are opportunities for safaris and cultural experiences that define the beauty of Africa.
It is also worth mentioning, our current areas of work are far outside the area that was affected by Ebola earlier this year. At the current time, Blood:Water determines there is little to no health risk by traveling to the areas in which our partners work. In fact, we have a team in Africa right now!
If you are interested in going with us, please visit our Vision Trips Web site for information about our trip to Zambia in June and other upcoming trips. Also, feel free to email me. I am happy to answer any and all questions about our Vision Trips.
See you in Africa!

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