This past weekend, I had the privilege of spending time with our friends at Fork Christian Church outside Baltimore, Md. Fork Christian has been a long-time supporter of the work of Blood:Water. They have given generously as a church body to numerous campaigns and provided clean water to thousands through their efforts.
My time at Fork Christian was special because it felt like I was around old friends. What made the day special was each person had their own unique story about how they got involved with Blood:Water. Some had heard of our work through the church’s giving at Christmas, others had heard through their community groups, and some most recently through the efforts of the youth group to raise over $3,000 for Blood:Water. Below is a picture of Mattie and Ainsley, who helped lead the last fundraising effort, along with their youth pastor, Josh Haltom.
All in all, it was a great picture of how a church community can creatively come together to show the love of Christ through helping to meet the most basic needs of those in Africa. If you are interested in how your church can partner with Blood:Water or are interested in having a Blood:Water staff member visit, please email me. I’d love to share more!

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