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Blood:Water Book Club: “One Thousand Wells,” Section 3

Summary Upon attending the funeral of a college friend in Lwala, Kenya, Jena learns about the practice of ignoring grief due to the high frequency of death in the community. She also witnesses extreme cultural differences when she…


Blood:Water Book Club: “One Thousand Wells,” Section 2

Summary After touring with Jars of Clay for a while, Jena Lee Nardella flew to Kenya with Joel, a Blood:Water volunteer to investigate possible partners for Blood:Water and strategize for the 1000 Wells Project. While in Kenya, Jena…


Blood:Water Book Club: “One Thousand Wells,” Section 1

Summary In the first section of “One Thousand Wells,” we begin to understand Jena’s sheltered childhood and what evolved from her early life in the Bay Area and Colorado. Her first experience with poverty marked her life forever,…


Will the Real Dan Haseltine Please Stand Up?

You’ve now met our entire staff, except for one very important member. You know him as the talented lead singer of the Grammy Award-winning band, Jars of Clay. We know him as a co-founder of Blood:Water and an…


Blood:Water Book Club: “The Poisonwood Bible,” Section 7

Summary In Book Five: Exodus and Book Six: Song of the Three Children, we can see how differently the Price sisters have all chosen to see their pasts and move forward, and how their philosophies have been shaped…


Want to get to know K-Flow? Meet our engagement coordinator, Kristin.

Kristin, also known by her rapper name, K-Flow Rida, is truly one of a kind. Blood:Water’s favorite extroverted fashionista originated from Winston Salem, N.C., but fell in love with Nashville, Tenn., post-graduation from the University of Virginia. Go Cavaliers!…


Blood:Water Book Club: “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” Section 3

In the last section of “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” we cover Part IV, “A Light Month for Travel,” and Part V, “O for the P.” We hope you’ll join us tonight at 6:00 p.m. CST for a live online…


Blood:Water Book Club: “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” Section 2

Today’s book club discussion focuses on Part III of “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” by Tracy Kidder. Summary In Part III of “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” readers learn more about Farmer’s past, a pivotal part which included Father Jack Roussin. Father…


Blood:Water Book Club: “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” Section 1

Today, we review Part I, “Dokte Paul,” and Part II, “The Tin Roofs of Cange,” of this month’s selection, “Mountains Beyond Mountains,” by Tracy Kidder. Summary The undeniable theme that weighs heavily throughout the first two parts of…


Blood:Water Book Club: “My Own Country,” Part 4

Today we review the final chapters, 19-31, of “My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story” by Abraham Verghese. Summary The concluding chapters of “My Own Country” remind us that there is no satisfying conclusion to the AIDS epidemic yet….


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