Linda Dykert recently traveled to Kenya with Blood:Water on one of our Vision Trips to Africa. Below she shares what she experienced during her time in the field.
Adventure. The teeming crowds, cacophony of horns and dusty heat rising from the pavement set the stage. From Nairobi we flew north to the Marsabit region, landing on a red sand strip barely visible from the air. We caravanned to Korr and Log Logo in land cruisers—our bodies tossed from the rough dirt and rock roads. Tribal children circled as we rolled in—these beautiful people have clean water in the rain catchment tank built by Blood:Water. We traveled again from desert airstrips rimmed with goats and camels to experience clinics in Marsabit, Isiolo, and Lwala comprehensively treating those with HIV. We experienced the professionalism of the staff and the leadership of community members who are alive because of HIV treatment—and now minister within their own community. We dined on traditional African fare with local agencies empowered by resources provided through Blood:Water. We were graciously welcomed into stick huts and mud huts—homes to those who have joyfully experienced a cup of cold water or healing in the powerful name of The Father, Son and Spirit.
Adventure. Heart adventure. I felt my heart rendered as I watched those whom Christ loves struggle just to find clean water. My heart bled for the orphans and the widows. And yet—as I share in the work of Blood:Water—to care for the HIV-positive child through community empowerment, my heart soars to know His work is being done and lives of these precious brothers and sisters are being changed.
Adventure. To live sacrificially for the orphans and the widows in their distress, trusting that God will supply all my needs. To love others as I love myself.
Adventure. To undergird those on the ground—the men and women who faithfully serve the poor in Africa and to so build Christ’s kingdom on earth.
Adventure. To use my resources to go into all the world to be the hands and feet of Christ in a partnership with Blood:Water.
Adventure. To be a soldier in the war against HIV—the greatest pandemic the world has ever seen.
Adventure. To live into His kingdom knowing we will soon see Jesus face to face. True adventure waits for those who seek only to follow Him and build His kingdom.
Linda DykertGuest PostKenya Vision Trip
If you would like to travel with Blood:Water to Africa, visit our Vision Trips page for more information.

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