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We’re Over Halfway to Our Back to School Goal!


The school year is in full swing! And so far, we’ve ensured 345 kids will have clean water in their classrooms. That means we are well over halfway to completing our goal of sending 500 kids in Malawi back to school with clean water!

When clean water is available at school, kids don’t have to leave during the day to find a water source. They also experience improved health, which means they don’t miss school due to waterborne illness and can better retain information. And the classroom often serves as a training ground for sanitation and hygiene practices that children can bring home and share with their families. Thus, clean water at schools means generational impact.

Community Partnership for Relief and Development (COPRED), one of our most recent partnerships, intentionally targets vulnerable populations in Malawi most affected by the water and HIV/AIDS crises, specifically children, orphans, and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers. You can be one of the first to support this new partnership by giving to this year’s Back to School initiative!

For just $30, you can keep one child in the classroom by sending them back to school with clean water. Visit to give today!

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