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Mountain Top Experience



In a recent blog post, our President of Engagement Jake Smith told you about our annual Dig Deeper weekend in the mountains of North Carolina. Check out this blog post from two of our attendees.


Dig Deeper 2014 was a “mountain top experience.” Not only was it located in an absolutely gorgeous area of God’s creation—the Great Smoky Mountains—but it was also a wonderful weekend to meet new friends, recharge with our Creator, and learn about some of the awesome ways that Blood:Water is reaching out to Africa. God is clearly at work within the staff of Blood:Water and also within the men of Jars of Clay. It was incredible to be able to spend the weekend worshiping with one another.

The weekend reminded us about God’s love for each and every one of His children. Not only for us in developed countries but also for each and every African that has to walk miles for a basic necessity, such as water. It was a blessing to learn that I can do something about this water crisis. It isn’t a job that is left to people with more wealth or more resources; it is a task that even I can contribute to. Only a dollar or two can go a monumental way to providing an African a better life. And isn’t it worth it?

Thank you, Blood:Water, for hosting such an eye opening experience for us and welcoming us into sharing the joy of providing clean water to God’s children.

Matthew & Erin Eichhorn
Bucyrus, Ohio

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