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When in Africa…


The saying goes ‘When in Rome.’ So why not when in Africa? Blood:Water’s UNC Intern Tori Lebrun tries white ants while living in Uganda. Check out the video and keep reading for her take on the experience!

White ants are actually termites, and Joyce had told me before, when she pointed out the termite mound near the house, that she eats them. She is a cook and cleaner at New Life Medical Center and the one who made the white ants. We caught them the night before! I was dismayed when, having left the door open to get a nice breeze, dozens of flying insects entered and were flitting around my living room. Then Joyce appeared and began catching them and throwing them in a plastic bowl, declaring that she was going to cook and eat them. So I helped her clear my living room and then catch even more that had congregated around the porch light.

Joyce loves to eat white ants as a snack and many people eat them here. They were dry and crunchy. Not bad. I’m just not used to the idea of having little legs in my mouth!

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