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What Will This Day Ask of Us?



Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.
— Mark 12:30-31

As the United States wakes up from a contentious election, I’m reflecting on what I am being asked to do on this day.

For me, I’m being called to love three young boys that God has entrusted to my care. They will get me up earlier than I want. We will eat oatmeal, watch cartoons, struggle to get dressed for school in time, and then send them out into a world in which they are likely, and thankfully, oblivious to the things on the anxious minds of adults.

For me, I will be called to love my spouse well. I will be called to lay down my selfishness, my desire to always be right, and embrace wholly the challenges and joys that come with two imperfect people seeking to demonstrate a perfect love.

For me, I will be called to serve our staff well. To acknowledge the challenges that each of them are facing as they navigate work, family, and their own health in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic.

For me, I will be called to serve our partners well. To ensure these leaders have all they need in their fight against not only this pandemic, but the ongoing health crisis thousands face across Africa that comes from the lack of clean water and access to care and counseling for those battling HIV/AIDS.

For me, I’ll be called to love my neighbor. And not only called, but commanded. My neighbor who didn’t vote like me, doesn’t look like me, doesn’t live next to me, and even one that I may never see again. I’ll be called to the challenge that comes with seeking out these opportunities, not just waiting for a convenient time.

In looking at my list, I have a lot to do today. I’ll certainly give time for reflection and prayer for the leader of our country. But I’ll also get to the hard work of the list above. I know that the extent to which I’m able to meet the demands of these tasks is where I can have the greatest impact on this day. And every day.

So, what will this day ask of you?



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