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Volunteers Wanted!



Do you love Blood:Water? Do you believe in our vision to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises in Africa? Do you live in the Nashville, Tenn., area?


If you answered “yes” to all of those questions, we have an awesome opportunity for you to get involved by volunteering at our office.

Since we rely on our local partners in Africa to carry out most of the boots-on-the-ground work, opportunities to volunteer with Blood:Water are few and far between. So don’t miss out on this one, happening February 12-17. We’ll even provide food and work around your schedule!

Blood:Water has valued purpose and dignity since its origin 14 years ago, and those values are something we have the honor of sharing, not only with communities in Africa, but also with our supporters in the United States. If you want to be a part of this opportunity to help steward our relationship with those in the U.S. who have found purpose and dignity by joining Blood:Water’s story, fill out the form below, and we will send you more information.

As always, we couldn’t do this without you, so thank you!


Select the evening(s) that you are available.

Volunteer hours will be 5:00-8:00 p.m. CST. You can select more than one evening.


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