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Why Sally Keeps Racing For Clean Water

  Through her Race for Clean Water last October, Sally Kuhn ran, biked, and swam 140.6 miles and raised $8,234.67 to support water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in Africa. Here, Sally shares more of her story… “I first read about the water crisis in Africa about seven years ago. It’s truly a crisis when people…

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Looking For Ways to Partner With Us?

We’d love for you to join us in our work as we come alongside grassroots organizations in Africa as they address the water and HIV/AIDS crises in their communities. There are many ways for you to do this, but here are just a few suggestions! Become a Community:Builder We call our monthly donors Community:Builders because…

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Changed Forever, For the Better: Part II

In yesterday’s blog, Sarah Walker shared about her experience traveling to Zambia with our October Vision Trip. Today, she shares how her mindset about development changed during the trip. — So how do we alleviate poverty without being completely ineffective, or worse, actually hurting the poor with this “poverty industry” of misconceived foreign aid? Well, let…

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Abundant Riches: Part I

Sarah Walker recently traveled with Blood:Water on a Vision Trip to see the work of one of our local partners firsthand. In today’s blog, she shares what she experienced when she arrived in Zambia. — Before I went, I thought Africa was poor, and that America had great wealth. And in some ways, that’s true.…

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Travel with Us to Zambia this Fall

Are you interested in traveling to Africa with Blood:Water? This fall, we are taking a Vision Trip to Ndola, Zambia, and we would love for you to join us to see what is happening because of your faithful support! While in Ndola, we will visit our local African partner, Seeds of Hope International Partnerships, to…

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It’s Worth It: Part IV

Today we share with you the final section from the reflection Dave Umphress wrote about his time in Mozambique with fellow members of the Colorado Mozambique Team. In it, he shares one of the most impactful moments of the trip, as well as his greatest discovery. Part I, Part II, and Part III are available…

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Representing the Solution: Part III

Over the last two weeks, we have shared with you Part I and Part II of a powerful blog from Dave Umphress. Dave is a member of the Colorado Mozambique Team who recently went to Mozambique to visit the communities where the project will take place. In the third section, Dave shares the story of a…

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Clear As Mud: Part II

Last week, we shared with you the first part of a powerful blog from Dave Umphress. Dave is a member of the Colorado Mozambique Team who recently went to Mozambique to visit the communities where the project will take place. In this section, Dave shares his first big lesson of the trip. — PART II:…

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