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She’s Safe Here

  While we know that the prevalence of disease that comes from unsafe water is a serious hindrance to the livelihoods of so many people, something that is often overlooked is the importance of a hygienic and private bathroom. AnneMarie is a 15-year-old from Ntaruka, Rwanda. And prior to her school’s partnership with our Rwandan…

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August Prayer Requests: Ask God to ease the rains in Africa!

  Rain is falling heavily in parts of Africa and impacting the work of several Blood:Water partners. But people need healthcare and clean water now! That’s why your prayers are vital. Please take some time to pray for more favorable weather, so our partners can repair any damage the rains may have caused and continue…

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MOUCECORE: Mobilizing Communities for Holistic Transformation

  Blood:Water has partnered with MOUCECORE in its mission to bring about transformation at the community level in Rwanda since 2009. Working through solidarity transformation groups that grow out of the local church, MOUCECORE mobilizes communities to bring about holistic development. Through our partnership, important lessons have been learned about how to effectively and sustainably…

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The Difference You’ve Made for Dominah

It’s hard to imagine life without water. It’s intertwined with our existence every single day. Dominah and her children’s lives were changed forever when they received access to clean water for the first time, but no one deserves the long wait and endless worry she and so many others experienced before having access. After her…

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From the Field Photo Updates

Did you know our partners in Africa do more than help provide clean water and HIV/AIDS medical attention? They help treat communities as a whole — heart, soul, and body. What do we mean? Did you know in Ethiopia, our partner, The ACT Project, organizes soccer club-Bible studies? They do so to create deep, lasting change in…

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Photo Friday: Save a Drink Update

This Photo Friday we celebrate. These children live in the Gitantu Village of Rwanda. Does that village name sound familiar? It’s one of the three villages your worked to bring access to clean water during this year’s Save a Drink, Save a Life campaign. You saved the money; we then sent it to our African partners,…

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Photo Friday: Update from Rwanda

Check your mailboxes this week. You should have received an update mailer from us detailing important events and mile markers from the past several months. One important marker is Rwanda. Just this spring we asked you to give up your favorite drink for Save a Drink, Save a Life to bring clean water to three villages in…

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New Faces Around the Office

Blood:Water has a few new faces around the office! Audrey, Kristin, and Blake have all recently joined us, and we’re thrilled to have them on the team! To help you get to know them a little better, we asked each of them why they wanted to work for Blood:Water. Audrey Milicevic is our new relationships…

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Photo Friday: Save a Drink Update

Did you Save a Drink with us this Lent? Here’s an update for you! Construction for clean water access has begun in Gitantu, Rwanda! Your dollars are being put to use in the hands of our partner MOUCECORE! Community members helped dig this trench to get ready for a pipeline system that will ultimately become…

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