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Water For Life: Part II

  Read Part I The Denver, CO, team became a part of the Blood:Water story two years ago, when they fundraised for sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people in the communities of Tauane and Copuito, Mozambique. This year, they are fundraising to support our partner, Drop of Water, in Me’kele, Ethiopia.…

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Water For Life: Part I

  The Denver, CO, team became a part of the Blood:Water story two years ago, when they fundraised for sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people in the communities of Tauane and Copuito, Mozambique. This year, they are fundraising to support our partner, Drop of Water, in Me’kele, Ethiopia. Laurie Bolthouse reflects…

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The Power of Community: Round 2

  In 2016, a team from Colorado partnered with Blood:Water for a 1-year pilot project in Balama, Mozambique, to empower the communities of Tauane and Copuito to provide sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people. The results were incredible! One year later, Executive Director Stan Doerr sat in the living room of…

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It’s Worth It: Part IV

Today we share with you the final section from the reflection Dave Umphress wrote about his time in Mozambique with fellow members of the Colorado Mozambique Team. In it, he shares one of the most impactful moments of the trip, as well as his greatest discovery. Part I, Part II, and Part III are available…

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Representing the Solution: Part III

Over the last two weeks, we have shared with you Part I and Part II of a powerful blog from Dave Umphress. Dave is a member of the Colorado Mozambique Team who recently went to Mozambique to visit the communities where the project will take place. In the third section, Dave shares the story of a…

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Clear As Mud: Part II

Last week, we shared with you the first part of a powerful blog from Dave Umphress. Dave is a member of the Colorado Mozambique Team who recently went to Mozambique to visit the communities where the project will take place. In this section, Dave shares his first big lesson of the trip. — PART II:…

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Just Add Water: Part I

A group of donors from Denver joined together last year to engage their circles of influence to raise funds for a new project in Mozambique. Four of the team members traveled to Mozambique last week to visit the communities where the project will take place. Dave Umphress, one of the team members, wrote a powerful…

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#PhotoFriday from Mozambique

This is a photo of the only reliable source of water for 900 families living deep in the interior of Mozambique. In the last two months, nine people have died from water-related diseases. We are so thankful that with the help of the Colorado Mozambique Team, we are able to start working with FH-Mozambique this…

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