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Merry Christmas from Jars of Clay

  Dear Friend, Christmas is meant to draw us into a fresh experience with peace that passes all understanding and nurture a contemplative reflection on the unassuming invasion of love, mercy, and joy in our world. Instead, it often manifests through extended holiday hours, fist fights over the latest doorbusters, calendars overrun with office parties,…

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Give A Gift That Matters This Christmas

  How far would you go to find the perfect gift? It’s conventional to imagine searching in a local mall or market. Others prefer shopping online to avoid the holiday crowds. What if the perfect gift can instead be found thousands of miles away in an African community? The village of Adigogon is located on…

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A Life-Changing Weekend

  This year’s Dickens of a Christmas celebration was full of holiday decorations, costumes, food, and just enough cold weather for a little snowfall to top off the Christmas cheer. It’s the time of year for thankfulness, joy, and giving, and we experienced each of these through the people we met while at Blood:Water’s booth…

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40 is Everything

Are you trapped in the holiday gift-giving frenzy? Do all the gadgets, toys, and material things lack meaning and feel impersonal? Perhaps it’s time we shift our perspective. $40 provides clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to one person in Africa… FOR LIFE. Clean water is life-changing and crucial to enduring health, and Blood:Water partners with…

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The Story We Remember: Last Day of Advent

Thank you for reading along with us this Advent season. We hope the readings in our Advent calendar and original recordings by Hollow // Hum have helped illuminate the richness of the season and ushered in moments of contemplation. On this final day of Advent, we invite you to read this reflection from Steve Garber: “I…

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Wonder: Advent Reflection

We are in the final week of Advent. We hope that as you making the final preparations for Christmas, you are continuing to prepare your heart to celebrate the coming of Christ. We invite you to reflect on the wonder that His coming brings with this poem from Brooke Waggoner: A tangling of trees. Moss…

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The Perpetual “Yes”: Fourth Sunday of Advent

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we invite you to read this reflection from Mike Donehey: In the first chapter of Luke, an angel tells Mary she’s going to give birth to the Messiah, and though confused, distressed, and most likely bewildered, she wonders, “How can this be?” The angel answers her, “The Holy Spirit…

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Carry Each Other: Third Sunday of Advent

On this third Sunday of Advent, we invite you to read this reflection from Jeremy Cowart: Why do some people who experience success describe still feeling empty inside? Marcus Buckingham said, “Many of us feel stress and get overwhelmed not because we’re taking on too much, but because we’re taking on too little of what…

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Source of Power: Second Sunday of Advent

On this second Sunday of Advent, we invite you to read this reflection from Ron Block: I was writing on my laptop, noticed the power getting low, and thought, I’ll get the power cable after I finish this paragraph. I went for what seemed like two minutes, and the screen went black right in the middle of…

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Gifts: First Sunday of Advent

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. We invite you to share this season of hopeful anticipation with us as we prepare our hearts for Christ by downloading our Advent calendar and original Advent Ambient recordings by Hollow // Hum. Our hope is that this collection of images, stories, poetry, and music will illuminate the…

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