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Where Systems and Data Meet Blood:Water

It is truly amazing how much life can change in a year. For me, the past 12 months have been a whirlwind: I graduated from college, moved across the country, welcomed a son into my family, joined the Blood:Water team, and in recent weeks, traveled across the world in pursuit of an unexpected calling. As…

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From the Field Photo Updates

Did you know our partners in Africa do more than help provide clean water and HIV/AIDS medical attention? They help treat communities as a whole — heart, soul, and body. What do we mean? Did you know in Ethiopia, our partner, The ACT Project, organizes soccer club-Bible studies? They do so to create deep, lasting change in…

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Sand Dams Create Extra Water Points in Marsabit

Because of the incredible generosity of our donors, some really exciting projects are happening in Africa! For example, two sand dams were recently completed in Marsabit County, Kenya. A sand dam works by burying a concrete wall to create an underground reservoir to collect runoff water. When runoff water from seasonal rain passes through the…

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Updates from the Field on Instagram

If you aren’t following us on Instagram, now is the time to start. More now than ever before, you will be seeing current photos and updates from Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and Zambia. Updates like this one: Sometimes the updates will show a need; sometimes the updates will show progress on projects you have helped…

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Photo Friday: Save a Drink Update

This Photo Friday we celebrate. These children live in the Gitantu Village of Rwanda. Does that village name sound familiar? It’s one of the three villages your worked to bring access to clean water during this year’s Save a Drink, Save a Life campaign. You saved the money; we then sent it to our African partners,…

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Photo Friday: Shorten the Walk for Evelyn

Get ready to start seeing more photos from our partners in Africa, especially on our Instagram account. This photo comes from Zambia. Evelyn is drawing water for her house from a roadside pond in Zambia. She’s collecting water at the pond, instead of spending hours walking to reach water. That’s not a choice she should have…

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Photo Friday: Update from Rwanda

Check your mailboxes this week. You should have received an update mailer from us detailing important events and mile markers from the past several months. One important marker is Rwanda. Just this spring we asked you to give up your favorite drink for Save a Drink, Save a Life to bring clean water to three villages in…

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A Day Rich in Discussion and Learning

Because of the time difference, day two of the Partner Summit has already wrapped up! The day was rich in discussion. The focus of the day was peer learning and exchange, and each of our partners presented unique aspects of their programs that might be areas of learning for one another. We were excited to…

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A Blood:Water Dream Come True

Today kicks off Blood:Water’s first-ever Partner Summit. All of our partners from Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and Zambia are currently gathered together with our Africa Partnerships team for a week of collaborative learning. We know that Africa holds the leadership, creativity, passion, and resolve necessary to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. And this unique…

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We Need You for Lasting Change

Last week, we told you about a big need in Zambia—a drill rig to help serve 180,000 people. There are other large scale needs, in addition to the drill rig. Here are some opportunities for you to get invested in lasting change. All of these opportunities are currently unfunded. Pediatric HIV Care in Kenya Equip two…

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