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Children free of HIV



My role at Blood:Water has afforded me the opportunity to meet some amazing people in Africa. A group that has touched me more than most is a group of women I met at the New Life Medical Center in Kitgum, Uganda. At this Blood:Water clinic, we are working to ensure we have a generation of babies that are born free of HIV/AIDS, even if their mothers are HIV-positive. One of those ladies is Nancy.


When Nancy first became pregnant, she was terrified. Nancy is HIV-positive and feared that meant her baby would be, too. That’s when she heard about the pregnancy services for HIV-positive mothers at the New Life Medical Center. She enrolled in the program and immediately began taking medication to curb the virus. Several months later, Nancy gave birth to a healthy, HIV-negative boy named Gabriella. New Life Medical Center is continuing to treat Nancy and Gabriella to make sure the newborn remains free of HIV.

Blood:Water is calling upon an exclusive group of 100 women to come alongside 100 moms in Africa and ensure their babies are born HIV-negative. Babies like Gabriella.

A gift of $1,000 will ensure a mother’s unborn child does not contract the HIV virus. For the mother’s who read our blog, I would encourage you to join this important circle of 100 women. You can make a life-changing difference in the life of a mother and child with your gift.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this unique opportunity.
[email protected]

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