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Blood:Water on Today in Nashville for World Water Day


It’s Time to Stop Playing Around – 20 Years and Where Are We?

Written by Dan Haseltine Since 2000, 1.8 billion people have gained access to basic drinking water services, however more than two billion continue to lack safely managed services. Our work partnering with community-based organizations in sub-Saharan Africa is…


Blood:Water for The Tennessean: Accountability for Clean Water Starts at the Local Level


Two Things that Matter: A Letter From Dan Haseltine for Giving Tuesday

These are a couple of things that I know to be true. A person cannot live without water. A person cannot thrive without connection. In the day-to-day working-out of life, if we are privileged, we won’t spend too…


How is Water in African Schools? See Our Expert Partner’s New Campaign

Schools need adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene for every child to reach their full potential. See how this is progressing, and how our African partner is setting a worldwide example by leading the way in their community.


Introducing Our New Partner in Kenya, Rafiki wa Maendeleo Trust!

Because we want to make sure that our work in the HIV/AIDS and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) spheres is making a true and lasting difference, we work with grassroots, locally-led organizations based in eastern and southern Africa…


COVID-19 in Africa Pt. II: How Partners Supported and Protected Community Needs

How did hero organizations like our partners immediately respond to the situation in their communities, to make sure everyone got the healthcare they needed? Here’s part 2 of our series on COVID in Africa.


How Do People in Developing Countries Collect Clean Water?

Providing clean water in developing countries is vital, but the process is extremely involved. Especially in places like the sub-Sahara, the difficulty comes not just from a lack of infrastructure, but also a landscape that is naturally lacking in sufficient water for the community.


World Water Day 2022

The water crisis impacts about 4 out of every 10 people across the globe: 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water sources, and 4.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation services. As we approach World Water Day on March 22nd our goal is to raise $75,000 to help our partners continue to address these barriers to education. Thanks to a special matching grant, your gift this month can be MATCHED – dollar for dollar up to $25,000! – enabling our partners to reach TWICE as many people. That’s double the impact.


3 Surprising Facts About Water You Need to Know for World Water Day

If you live in a place where water is available at the turn of a faucet, it can be easy to take this privilege for granted. While we have easy access to this vital resource, it’s important to be aware that many around the world are not so fortunate.


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