Our Partners
August Prayer Requests: Ask God to ease the rains in Africa!
Rain is falling heavily in parts of Africa and impacting the work of several Blood:Water partners. But people need healthcare and clean water now! That’s why your prayers are vital. Please take some time to pray for…
World Water Day: An Answered Prayer
In the Tigray Region of Ethiopia, community members share similar stories of struggling to find clean water, often walking 7 hours round-trip and still falling ill because the source of the water, despite the long walk, is…
Water For Life: Part II
Read Part I The Denver, CO, team became a part of the Blood:Water story two years ago, when they fundraised for sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people in the communities of Tauane and…
Water For Life: Part I
The Denver, CO, team became a part of the Blood:Water story two years ago, when they fundraised for sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people in the communities of Tauane and Copuito, Mozambique. This year,…
Meet Our Partner: DOW
In partnership with Drop of Water, Blood:Water has committed to supporting sustainable clean water supply and proper sanitation facilities development in the Tigray Region of Ethiopia. Not only will this partnership result in water points and sanitation…
The Power of Community: Round 2
In 2016, a team from Colorado partnered with Blood:Water for a 1-year pilot project in Balama, Mozambique, to empower the communities of Tauane and Copuito to provide sustainable water access, sanitation, and improved hygiene for 6,709 people….
Check Out Our Partner, COPRED!
In partnership with COPRED, Blood:Water has committed to contributing to the improvement of personal and family hygiene, sanitation, early childhood development, and HIV/AIDS prevention and care in the Neno District of Malawi. Through organizational strengthening, Blood:Water empowers…
The Gift of Our Partners (Part II)
Read Part I It does not require much time spent with our partners to recognize that these are not unattainable standards. They are principles that are embedded and evidenced in the work and character of these organizations and…
The Gift of Our Partners (Part I)
At Blood:Water, we believe homegrown, locally-led organizations are the true changemakers of Africa. Our partners are the experts who understand the culture, work within the context, and live as members of the communities they serve. Not only…
Mary’s Story: World AIDS Day
Mary Achieng Onyango, a hard-working farmer and mother of two living in the North Kamagambo community in Kenya, lost her husband at a very young age to HIV. When she later tested positive, she greatly struggled to…