Our Partners
Introducing Our New Partner in Kenya, Rafiki wa Maendeleo Trust!
Because we want to make sure that our work in the HIV/AIDS and WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) spheres is making a true and lasting difference, we work with grassroots, locally-led organizations based in eastern and southern Africa…
COVID-19 in Africa Pt. II: How Partners Supported and Protected Community Needs
How did hero organizations like our partners immediately respond to the situation in their communities, to make sure everyone got the healthcare they needed? Here’s part 2 of our series on COVID in Africa.
How Africa United to Protect Its People Against COVID-19
“Public health in Africa has been a story of neglect and dependency,” says Dr. John Nkengasong, the first director of the Africa Centers for Disease Control, in an interview with the New York Times about how they’ve…
What Launching World Impact in $40 Million Looks Like
If you’ve had the chance to read our newsletter last October, you saw our announcement that we had reached the stupendous milestone of raising $40 million since the beginning of our organization. Seventeen years ago, a Grammy Award-winning band had the audacious goal to help end two of the world’s greatest health crises. Joined by an incredibly passionate recent college graduate, they set out to do this by raising support all across the country, one person and one dollar at a time.
Thank You For Standing With Us in 2021
In reflecting on the end of the year, I remarked to our team this week that what excites me the most about year-end giving is not hitting a budget goal or tracking the number of gifts that…
What is Capacity Building? One Focus of Sustainable Development
One of the foundational elements of the Blood:Water model is organizational strengthening (OS): the capacity building processes our partners invest in to improve their institutional and technical capacities for the delivery of high-quality programs and efficacy of their missions. We started our OS program in 2015, and since then, we have already seen amazing strides in our partners’ growth and our ability to be a helpful resource for them in this area!
How Building Wells and Other Water Projects in Africa Really Work
Access to clean well water is given little thought because it is something most of us don’t lack here in the Western world. Unfortunately, that is not the case in many areas of sub-Saharan Africa and…
How More Children Can Reach Their Destinies With You: Back to School 2021
Compared to this time last year, prospects are looking much better for kids around the world to be able to go back to school. Efforts like water well projects for schools enable more students to gain an…
Partner Updates – COPRED & DOW
It may have been a minute since you heard what new projects our partners are up to, so here’s an update from our Africa Partnerships team on two of them, COPRED and DOW! Community Partnership for Relief…
Leader of the Year – Jimmy Katuma
Each year, Blood:Water honors one of our active partners with the Blood:Water Leader of the Year award. Today, we are showcasing Jimmy Katuma, the Executive Director of Community Partnership for Relief and Development (COPRED) in Malawi! Jimmy commits himself and COPRED to delivering the highest integrity of implementation to their beneficiary communities, and reflects the same posture when it comes to the integrity of their work.