Our Team
Every Night Ends with Dawn (Poems for Reflection)
These days we’re living in are pretty loud. In the midst of everything, we wanted to give you a break from the noise and the bustle for just a moment. Please enjoy these poem selections, and we…
The Pathway of Stigma
Much like the fear and distrust we are experiencing related to COVID-19, without a firm grasp on how a disease or virus spreads, people began to theorize and build hypotheses, most of them quite outside the realm of scientific or data-driven realities.
Exciting Developments from the East Africa Philanthropy Conference
Aside from being able to provide our own insight to other organizations, we look forward to learning more about the region and pursuing the connections we made through the conference. We have been formally invited to be a member of the Africa Philanthropy Network (APN), which will expand our accessibility to other philanthropic organizations into the Southern African region.
A Tale of Two Viruses – Coronavirus and HIV
Today we find ourselves in a unique space. Over the last few weeks and months, we have wandered into a “new” environment. It is not new to everyone. And I hope we can explore this newish place together because I think we can both learn something and grow something in the midst of this new experience together.
Q&A with Jake Smith, Our New Executive Director
Jake, welcome back to Blood:Water! We’re so glad you’re coming back. What have you been up to in the meantime?
PART II: What Makes Blood:Water Different
In a two-part blog, Blood:Water founder and senior development officer, Dan Haseltine, shares what makes Blood:Water so unique in the way it works. If you missed the first part, you can read it here. PART II: WHAT MAKES…
PART I: Shared Experiences
In a two-part blog, Blood:Water founder and senior development officer, Dan Haseltine, shares what makes Blood:Water so unique in the way it works. PART I: SHARED EXPERIENCES “Just let me do it!” The words came out as more…
Changed Forever, For the Better: Part II
In yesterday’s blog, Sarah Walker shared about her experience traveling to Zambia with our October Vision Trip. Today, she shares how her mindset about development changed during the trip. — So how do we alleviate poverty without being completely…
Abundant Riches: Part I
Sarah Walker recently traveled with Blood:Water on a Vision Trip to see the work of one of our local partners firsthand. In today’s blog, she shares what she experienced when she arrived in Zambia. — Before I went,…
Blood:Water Book Club: “One Thousand Wells,” Section 4
Summary Jena’s sense of defeat continues as she faces more brokenness in the world, and she starts to question if justice is really worth fighting for. As she begins to look for a way to step out of…