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For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.Luke 2:11 ESV As you celebrate His birth today, give thanks that the ultimate fixer of all that is broken in our world has come to rescue each of us. Reflect on the ways He has rescued…
Read MoreJoin Us in Wishing Alfred a Very Jerry Christmas
This is Alfred. He lives in Rwanda with his grandmother and cousins. Each day, he walks for water two times. He fills a heavy jerry can in a river, and carries it home so his family will have something to drink. He is happy to make the walk because it helps his family. But it…
Read MoreBeautiful
We hope these curated Advent readings and original Christmas recordings have blessed you this season and that as you’ve set your heart on Christ, you’ve been able to see the wonders of God all around. This original reading from Al Andrews is a wonderful reminder of the beauty that surrounds us. Earth’s crammed with heaven,And…
Read MoreBlood:Water Book Club: “My Own Country,” Part 3
Today we will review chapters 12-18 of “My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story” by Abraham Verghese. Summary: In Chapters 12-18 of “My Own Country,” Abraham Verghese continues to tell the real stories of his patients. We hear more about Clyde, Vickie, Bobby, Ed, Raleigh and Fred, and are introduced to the Johnsons and Petie. As…
Read MoreMy Mother’s Green Love
We hope you are continuing to follow along with us as we wait for the one who is coming. On this fourth and final Sunday of Advent, as you continue to ponder and wait, read this original poem by Kathleen Norris. Sent in mid-winter, a coat filled with down, to a land of harsh winds…
Read MoreLet’s Bring Clean Water Closer to Home for These Five Girls
These girls live in Bubisa, Kenya. They are joyful, hopeful little girls with big dreams for the future. While there is currently one borehole that provides clean water in their desert community, they still spend too much time walking with heavy jerry cans to bring water home for their families. This Christmas, we want to…
Read MoreChaos
The Advent season is one of waiting for that which is coming. We hope you are enjoying our curated Advent readings and original Christmas recordings, and that they have been a useful tool to help you set your mind and heart on the necessity of Christ. Today, let your thoughts be guided by this original…
Read MoreBlood:Water Book Club: “My Own Country,” Part 2
Today we will review chapters 6-11 of “My Own Country: A Doctor’s Story” by Abraham Verghese. Summary: In this portion of “My Own Country,” Abraham Verghese begins to see an increase in the number of HIV clients in the area. With each new patient he meets, Verghese is very deliberate about getting to know them…
Read MoreCelebrate the Christmas Season with These Original Recordings
The Advent season is upon us! If you haven’t done so, we would love for you to join us in celebrating this wonderful time of year by downloading our free compilation of original Christmas recordings! Songs from Jason Eskridge, Shannon McArthur, Matt Lovell, Lainey Wright, Heather Bond, Sara Dark, Sandra McCracken, Jill Phillips and Andy…
Read MorePrepare Him Room
On this third Sunday of Advent, as we wait for the one who is coming, we continue to set our minds and hearts on the necessity of Christ. Today, enjoy this original reading from Brad Montague. We all know the first part of the song “Joy to the World,” right? Joy to the world! Yeah!…
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