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40 is Everything


Are you trapped in the holiday gift-giving frenzy? Do all the gadgets, toys, and material things lack meaning and feel impersonal? Perhaps it’s time we shift our perspective.

$40 provides clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to one person in Africa… FOR LIFE.

Clean water is life-changing and crucial to enduring health, and Blood:Water partners with local experts to ensure that any time water is provided to a community, it is done alongside sanitation and hygiene training to maximize its benefits.

And because today is #GivingTuesday, we’re doubling your impact! For every dollar you give today, a generous donor has agreed to match it up to $10,000. This means that $40 is everything for TWO people on #GivingTuesday!

Step into a perspective with purpose this holiday season. Honor loved ones on your Christmas list with a meaningful gift that brings joy and health and is truly life-changing. Donate today at

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