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Miss the Book Tour? Catch It Here.


If you weren’t able to join us on the “One Thousand Wells” book tour, we have good news. Our friends at Tattered Cover-Colfax in Denver, Colo., recorded the entire event there, and it’s now available as a podcast!

tattered cover-01

Listen as co-founder Jena Lee Nardella reads segments from her memoir, and shares about the journey that taught her to love the world instead of save it. The podcast even includes her interview with fellow co-founder and lead singer of Jars of Clay, Dan Haseltine.

Listen to the podcast here!

We are so grateful for each person who joined us on our 10-city tour, and hope that you’re enjoying the book! We would love to invite you to step into the Blood:Water story with us. Find out how you can get involved.

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