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Ending Health Disparities One Drop At A Time.

Blue squiggle

Addressing Africa's HIV & Water Crises

Ending Health Disparities One Drop At A Time.


Ending health disparities.
One drop at a time.


About Us

We’re partnering with African organizations to end the HIV/AIDS & water crises

Despite decades of work and trillions of dollars spent, the linked water and HIV/AIDS crises in Africa persist. We support under-resourced community-driven organizations with long-term and intentional organizational strengthening and flexible financial support.

Blood:Water has supported and strengthened 33 partners in 12 countries who have:

Provided nearly 1 million people access to safe water

Trained more than 1.15 million people in proper sanitation and hygiene practices

Trained more than 1.15 million people in proper sanitation and hygiene practices

Provided nearly 700k people with HIV prevention services

Supplied more than 250k people with HIV testing and counseling.



We strengthen our partners so they can flourish.

We commit to an eight-year funding cycle with organizations that we’ve identified and thoroughly vetted. These partners are already doing great work in their communities and looking for flexibility and support to grow their organizations and, in turn, grow their impact.

Our proven model strengthens organizations who know the beneficiaries and communities they serve because they are on the ground doing the daily work. These partners create a lasting impact that continues even after our partnership and eight-year funding cycle is complete.

Only 14%

Of funding from international donors goes to local organizations in Africa.


Of Blood:Water's program funding goes directly to local organizations in Africa.

While we measure WASH and HIV outputs related to each grant, we gauge our impact by measuring outcomes in four key areas across an eight-year partnership with an organization. Our model has catalyzed the following with our partners:

23% increase in program quality

15% growth in financial diversity

29% growth in organizational autonomy

20% growth toward a sustaining stage of development


These past 2 years have been the best of my life!

Justine has 3 children and is living with HIV. Though she remains consistent with her treatment, waterborne illness is a great risk to her health. Before (Blood:Water partner) PaCT constructed a well in her village, she and her family used water from an unprotected spring, shared with animals and frequently contaminated.

“Considering my HIV status, water-related illnesses put my life at risk. I am so grateful to God for PaCT…We are now assured that the water we drink is free from contamination. I can now live a long, healthy life free from water-related diseases."



Everyone has influence, use yours to make a difference.

Just as there is no one-size-fits-all solution to solving the water & HIV/AIDS crises in sub-Saharan Africa, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to making a difference. Whether you make a recurring donation, engage your community and network or become a fundraiser on behalf of Blood:Water, there are many ways to engage.

Together we can help our partners increase their reach and deepen their impact.

"Blood:Water's approach centers partnership, and they also recognize that there isn't a one-size fits all solution, that they need to understand and follow African-based, -led organizations to find the solutions that are going to take hold."

Abby Maxman, President and CEO of Oxfam America


Share in the joy of ending the water & HIV/AIDS crises with our partners in Africa

You can be a significant part of this change by joining the Blood:Water story and supporting our work.

Your donation empowers our partners to provide clean water and health support for men, women, and children across sub-Saharan Africa.

Strengthening and supporting African-led, community-driven organizations is the heart of what we do but we cannot do it without you.

Whatever it is, your creativity, your talents, your hobbies can make a difference in the lives of people in sub-Saharan Africa.

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