You have a little egg on your face.
No, that’s no April Fools’ prank. It’s the way two creative boys are bringing clean water to our friends in Africa!
We’re constantly inspired by the creativity of our fundraisers and today we want to tell you about a few that we love!
With Colton and Mitchell, you have options. You can crack an egg on your head, or donate $10 to the Egghead Challenge!
What started as a class project just keeps cracking. The boys have more than doubled their goal!
Not into silky, shiny hair? No problem. How about making your house a home?
Check out The House Crafts. This awesome new Etsy craft shop is the creation of Jeff and Tami, who are committed to sharing the love of Christ through their business.
Taking it a step further, they also want their business to give back. So, 10 percent of any purchase you make will be donated to Blood:Water.
(You better hustle though. Things may be on backorder by the time I’m done. One of everything, please!)
But just because you’re waiting for things to be restocked at The House Crafts doesn’t mean you can’t give an extra special birthday gift to one remarkably generous little boy.
Jacob turned 8 years old on March 9. For his birthday, he invited all of his friends to celebrate by bringing clean water to people in Africa so they won’t get sick. He even offered to send anyone who donates a paper plane or origami creation (Star Wars characters are his specialty!) in return. Incredible!
Did any of these bright ideas spark your creativity? Then go ahead! Make your move! We dare you.

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