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The Art of Saving a Drink


In the coming weeks, we are going to feature some of our fundraisers who are using their creativity and talents to bring lasting change in Africa.
During this second week of Save a Drink, Save a Life, we’d like to introduce you to Tamera. Tamera has been diving back into her art recently as a way to reach people, and now she’s even using it to help provide clean water to three villages in Rwanda.

Tamera loves to wrestle with deeper thoughts and ideas and enjoys challenging others to do the same. Simply put, she believes we should each think bigger than our own boxes.

This Lent, in addition to giving up her favorite drink, she is also focusing on challenging herself to think more deeply. Each week, as she does just that, she is creating art that reflects her journey.

And because she sees art as a way to engage others, Tamera has decided to share her work!

As with all of our Save a Drink, Save a Life participants, you can cheer Tamera on toward her $500 goal by donating through herpersonal Save a Drink page. But when you support Tamera, she will also send you a mini piece of art that she creates that week so you can join in her reflection.

Check out the art she created during the first week of Lent:

lent mini 018

This piece even features the very verse that inspired Blood:Water!

As you reflect on her art and the Lenten season, we hope you’ll also Save a Drink! There’s still plenty of time to help us reach our goal of providing three villages in Rwanda with clean water. And don’t forget, if we get 1,000 people to join us for Save a Drink, Save a Life, a $25,000 gift will be unlocked!

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