Posts Tagged ‘Partners’
COVID and HIV: An Update From The Global Community
Nadia Kist, Blood:Water’s Director of Africa Programs, recently attended the global AIDS conference where she learned that HIV and COVID-19 have an even greater overlap than previously expected. For starters, the fact that so many people require immediate attention adds a large burden to health systems around the globe, many of which are not even equipped for their existing needs. Coronavirus has presented a situation none of us expected or know what to expect from, so we are still learning how it will impact greater issues that were already being faced.
Read MoreA Glimpse Into What Our Partners Are Up To
As our partners continue to work diligently to adapt to the challenges of COVID-19, we wanted to share some insight and updates about how a couple of them are doing these days.
Read MoreThe Experts Are Not Who You Think
The question that should pop up in your brain at this point is, “Has the international development community largely operated without elevating the importance and integral role of local expertise?” And the answer to your question is a resounding and painful, “yes.”
Read MoreOn The Frontlines In Uganda, Our Partner Is Taking Action
While COVID-19 still presents a serious threat to them and the people they serve, our partners have been proactively fighting to contain the disease in their corners of the world. And we are excited to highlight the efforts of one such partner to show you how, despite all of our current challenges, we can still band together to help. Partners for Community Transformation (PaCT) has been one of Uganda’s leaders in health for some time now, and they are going above and beyond to proactively address this new pandemic.
Read MoreExciting Developments from the East Africa Philanthropy Conference
Aside from being able to provide our own insight to other organizations, we look forward to learning more about the region and pursuing the connections we made through the conference. We have been formally invited to be a member of the Africa Philanthropy Network (APN), which will expand our accessibility to other philanthropic organizations into the Southern African region.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Is New. The Impact Is Not.
The societal impact that COVID-19 has had gives us a rare opportunity to personally empathize with our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world who have not had access to good health care, clean water, and proper sanitation facilities for years. As sub-Saharan Africa currently holds almost 50% of the global burden of the water crisis and almost 70% of the global burden of HIV, it is a highly vulnerable area – which is why we partner with grassroots organizations on the ground in that region.
Read MoreYou’re Pouring Hope Into People Like Sarah
It was a small act done with ‘great love’ I don’t like the word impossible. I’ve seen and experienced enough of life’s abrupt plot twists and miraculous moments to give myself the freedom to remove such an obsolete expression from my vocabulary. Yet, after walking around the Suki community in Ethiopia with our partner…
Read MoreYou Changed the Direction of Her Life
A mother’s greatest joy is to nurture and care for her family. When facing seemingly impossible circumstances, a mother will persevere! Abaynesh is the perfect example of this. Over a period of time, she pressed on through a series of difficulties. She lost both her husband and 2-year-old son during an epidemic in the…
Read MoreAugust Prayer Requests: Ask God to ease the rains in Africa!
Rain is falling heavily in parts of Africa and impacting the work of several Blood:Water partners. But people need healthcare and clean water now! That’s why your prayers are vital. Please take some time to pray for more favorable weather, so our partners can repair any damage the rains may have caused and continue…
Read MoreCheck Out Our Partner, COPRED!
In partnership with COPRED, Blood:Water has committed to contributing to the improvement of personal and family hygiene, sanitation, early childhood development, and HIV/AIDS prevention and care in the Neno District of Malawi. Through organizational strengthening, Blood:Water empowers COPRED to engage the communities it serves with education regarding HIV prevention and WASH practices, as well…
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